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One Size DOES NOT Fit All!

My editor Bryan Chaffin says one of the best (and most unique) things about Working Smarter for Mac Users is that I don't try to convince you there's only one way to do things, or that my way is the best or only way. Rather, one of the hallmarks of my eBook is that I offer you tips, hints, and techniques that have worked for me, as well as tips, hints, and techniques that may not have worked for me but may very well work for you. 

One of the things I hated about the myriad productivity and time management books I've read (not to mention the workshops, seminars, and courses I've attended) is that they're so rigid about the right way to do things.

“This is what you must do. Now, here's how to do it the right way,”

In other words, they make you believe their way is the one and only right way. 

Working Smarter for Mac Users, on the other hand, is chock full of tips like the one below, a tip Bryan felt was so important he urged me to typeset it in both bold and italic: "That’s what works for me. If you prefer all-digital, all-analog, or any combination of the two, that’s excellent. The important part is that you make a plan, and then use it."

In this case I was talking about my SuperPlan Daily Productivity Planning Worksheet, which you can download for free, so please do. I must say it's one of the most powerful tools I know of for keeping me on track and avoiding procrastination.

Now, the reason I mentioned it here is that I posted a note in social media recommending an article by Brian Tracy about setting priorities using the ABCDE method: .

Brian Tracy's method is similar to my SuperPlan worksheet but different. Where I define up to three "Most Important Tasks" each day and make them my priority, Tracy's method asks you rate all of your tasks with an ABCD or E and then use those ratings to sort them accordingly.  

I tried it, and while I still prefer my method of storing and managing all of my tasks in Reminders and Calendar and then hand writing my daily plan, (on a SuperPlan worksheet, of course) every morning,

That being said, I definitely understand that the ABCDE Method might be valuable to others. So, I recommended this article everywhere I could think of.  

The best part is reflected in this series of comments on my Facebook post. 

This is exactly what (I think) my editor Bryan is talking about... And precisely the kind of thinking I want Working Smarter for Mac Users to foster. 

Please help continue the conversation by posting your favorite tips and tricks for getting more work done in less time in the comments section below. (And don't forget to check out the free SuperPlan Daily Productivity Planning Worksheet here.)
